FunnyLookinHat / David Overcash

Why blog? February 8, 2025

I’ve read a lot of introductory blog posts, and each one ultimately sets out to describe why it is the author has decided to write (and what it is they will write about). I think that’s great - so I’ll do the same (as briefly as possible).

  • I want to get better at communicating in writing.

  • I want to get over the fear of leaving something I’ve written out there for public consumption - long after I may have improved as a writer or even changed my thoughts on the subject.

  • I want to share what I’m building in my spare time.

  • I want to share with my yearly roadmaps.

On that last point: I’ve had loose roadmaps for personal and professional development over the last few years, but this year, I want to publish mine - along with my efforts to complete it - for both my own benefit and that of others.

I think it’s valuable to write down what it is you intend to do - it can keep you most honest and help you stick to a goal or plan. Or better yet, if you decide you need to change that plan, you can write that down and explain why. That process of commitment and iteration is itself a valuable exercise in goal setting and personal development.

  • "Why did I want to do this in the first place?"

  • "What changed?"

  • "If I’m not doing that, then what am I going to do now?"

All good questions!

My roadmaps have been largely tied to technical development over the last few years, and with that you’ll find this to be a technical blog. You may find a book recommendation here or there, but don’t expect much more detail than you’ll already find on my book recommendations.

Something I’ve found valuable in work is to communicate where we’re going. Whether it’s a presentation or a group, telling them what’s next helps them decide (a) if it’s worth sticking around and (b) how to get the most out of it.

Here’s what my next few posts look like:

  • My Roadmap for 2025

  • Quick Review of Hugo (Static Site Generator)

  • Building Something Silly

Here’s a sneak peak at that last one.

An image of a digital counter, with a toggle to load images as quickly as possible.

See you next time!